Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I Can Bead

Yesterday, in the mail I received my contributor's copies of a book a recently did three designs for, I Can Bead. A fantastically good friend of mine, Sharon Frank, was editor of this book and asked a couple of really good friends of mine and me to create designs. I have three designs in this awesome book for girls. This book teaches them how to bead with easy step-by-step directions and terrific pictures and illustrations. It's available at Annie's Catalog.

Welcome to Lily James Designs

A little bit about myself . . .

My name is  Erica. I am first and foremost a Christian, wife, mother and friend. After that, I can be whatever I feel like that day - which is usually a designer. I don't just design the jewelry that you'll see on this blog but I also dabble in papercrafting and various other medias. Another passion of mine is food. I love to bake, cook and eat! (That last one can get me into trouble! I am supposed to be gluten-free, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE bread!) I have a blog called Dreaming of Martha that I post my crafty passions to and another blog, s l i c e, where I post my foodie passions. 

I began beading almost 20 years ago, thanks to a kit that I found at a local festival. I thought it turned out too simple. So I went into a beading store and the owner helped me make it my own. I've been beading ever since and in recent years have been teaching what I know. 

At the end of August, I left my position as product manager for Simply Beads Kit-of-the-Month Club to become a stay-at-home mother to my three sons. I loved this position and miss it greatly. I am still co-editor of the Simply Beads Newsletter. This is a e-newsletter for the beading enthusiast and is published every three weeks. I plan on working as a freelance designer as well as selling my own designs.

As far as creativity goes, I love it when I am challenged or inspired - hence, custom work. I love having a client come to me and ask me to create something completely unique just for them. So bring it on! :D

I hope as time goes on that you get to know me, are inspired by my ramblings and I can get to know you, as well.

Yours, absolutely truly,
